A little assistance please

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A little assistance please

Post by warlock359205 »

Got my new pc ,sandstorm on it, had a couple of rounds on our server last night but only with pubbies on ,as I have never played commander or observer, if as say an observer how do I know who is the commander to stay close to and what am I supposed to do? Second I know the commander is the one that calls in air strikes but how and why does he have to have an observer near ,or is an observer the modern term for radioman.
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Re: A little assistance please

Post by Ztranier »

yep, observer is the radioman
to your first question: the commander has a special tag (three diagonal stips) not the normal dimond other players have so he is better viewable in the field
and if you are playing obs you can see a slider in the bottom left of your screen that shows you if you are in range of your commander or not
on the left of that slider the commander tag is shown and right of that there will be another tag, looks a bit like a little flame, thats your (the obs´) tag
as soon as the obs is close enough (about 9 meter) to the commander the commander tag will be highlited and he can call a strike in
if the commander tags are red, don´t look for him anymore because he is down then
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Re: A little assistance please

Post by Hairy Frog »

Reason why several obs on the map are easing commander's job to get a radio in range quickly enough. The more than obs is carrying quite the same gear as rifleman, but with a radio that makes them a lil more usefull to the teamplay
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Re: A little assistance please

Post by warlock359205 »

cheers for the input I was a bit wary of picking observer as didn't know what to do, I have to say that although I play and stay with the team" usually dead on the floor" but I tend to be the reargard and hang back or to the side to give covering fir for the rest I rairley go first in
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Re: A little assistance please

Post by Hairy Frog »

Obs is really not a big affair. With experience - and you'll learn the quicker than the commander is good - you'll quickly know when you have to be in range and when you do not.

But obviously it's best when the commander and an obs are playing like pair. Commander often need some backup when he is using his goggles
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Re: A little assistance please

Post by peglegswansoon »

To add to what the others are saying, the special commander tag shows in white instead of blue, and I think it can be seen from further away/through more stuff than the blue tags. When playing observer, you can also see the other observers icons like this. You can also see their icons on the tactical map when you press Tab, very useful for hardcore mode! When a commander requests an observer his icon will flash a few times, helps tell them apart when there are multiple commanders playing :)

Also in addition to having all the same equipment as a rifleman + the HQ radio, I read on the Steam forum that the observer class can capture objectives faster.
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Re: A little assistance please

Post by Spawnsy »

Just go the same direction as the commander. Flank left if he does. Watch his back from a safe distance. Get in range when he calls for an observer. Kill enemy. Don't die cheaply. That's all.
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Re: A little assistance please

Post by Spawnsy »

I'll call in one asset every other point on average. I just need to stay alive. I need someone to help keep me alive. One commander and two observers operating in a cooperative manner is enough to sway a game.
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Re: A little assistance please

Post by warlock359205 »

Cheers again for the input, it would be helpful as well if I had not gone to Specsavers cos they screwed up my new prescription and now I got to wait another 10 days before I will be able to see clearly again so I can actually see the commander tag in the first place .
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Re: A little assistance please

Post by warlock359205 »

Had a few games tonight ,nice to be back with blue,spriggs,and didycoy
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