Mod Troubleshooting

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Mod Troubleshooting

Post by peglegswansoon »

Hi guys. It's come to my attention that some players are experiencing crashes/disconnections on the server. The biggest cause of this I've identified is an issue with the mods. And not the one you're all thinking of, where Peg broke it again! :biggrin:

Essentially there seems to be an occasional issue with the mod extraction/installation process which leads to the installed mod files being corrupted or otherwise not installed correctly. With corrupted files all bets are off, leading to problems including (but not limited to):
- You are unable to join the server, you get disconnected immediately after loading the map
- You get kicked out of the server randomly with various error messages
- Some assets don't show up correctly in-game, like custom weapons or attachments
- Your game crashes
- Someone else's game crashes
- The server crashes and spoils the game for everyone

If you are encountering any of the above or similar, you can try to fix it by resetting your mods. Here's how:
  • If Sandstorm is still running, close the game first.
  • Find the game installation folder. For Steam - Go to Sandstorm in your Steam library, right-click -> Properties, choose "Installed Files", click the "Browse" button top-right.
  • In the folder, navigate through Insurgency -> Mods -> modio. You should see a bunch of folders with numbers for their names.
  • Each folder represents an individual mod. Find and delete the following:
    3630739, 3765590, 3566262 - these 3 mods are the most likely culprits to cause issues.
  • Restart the game, try to join our server again. The deleted mods should redownload automatically and work properly this time.
For reference, here is the full mod list we're currently running. I'll try to keep this up-to-date. If deleting the 3 mods above doesn't solve your issues, try deleting all of them:
  • 93636
If you're feeling exceptionally laze you can delete the entire modio folder to remove all the mods at once. Keep in mind this will wipe out any mods you have including mods for other servers, which you will need to redownload when you join them.

Let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns as always. Hopefully this solves any issues you may be having!
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