Hello, and welcome to =EBS= Enemy Boat Spotted.
We do not accept membership applications from under-18's.
Please make sure you have read this post [click me] explaining the community before you continue.
If you have been nagged, coerced, harassed, persuaded, or talked into into signing up: please don't join. We only want you if you understand what we're about and want to be a part of it.
If you're here because you're fed up of being kicked to make room for members or would just like like to have a space made for you on a server then don't apply.
If you're here because you want admin rights on one of our servers then don't apply.
If you're going to disappear forever when the next game comes out then don't apply.
This community is run on principles of common decency and fair play geared towards close fought games which are fun for all players. We are strict on these rules, so be warned.
If you want to be a member of this community, the following four points are compulsory.
1. Create an account.
Your user-name here should be the same as the in-game name the most members know you as. Using a different name from the one everyone knows you as causes confusion.
2. Post your introduction.
Click here, make the title your username, and tell us about yourself. Your year of birth, country, rough location, occupation, and brief gaming history are a minimum.
3. Register your gaming names.
Click here, the title should be your username. State in a list the different names you have for each game you play with =EBS=.
Additionally, links to Steam, Uplay, Rockstar, and any other account helps members to look you up, add you as a friend, and invite you to our groups but it isn't compulsory.
4.Get Discord
If you aren't using it already, we use Discord. Request a link to join. If you don't have or don't use a microphone then it's highly unlikely that you'll be granted membership.
5. Know our rules.
This community was built on strictly enforced rules. Anyone who ignores them is dealt with swiftly and decisively.
For the rules of a certain game go to the first post of the relevant sub-forum.
Forum rules are common decency and common sense. Here is more detailed info should you need it.
Once you have done all of the above, you will be considered a probationary member for 8 weeks.
You should use [EBS] (for BF and games with a 3 character limit) or -EBS- (if all 5 characters are available) until your "time is up".
A record of your conduct will be kept. The admins will record anything relevant to that player's behaviour, [positive] great teamwork and comms, posting on the forum [or negative] poor teamwork, being a dick.
At the end of your 'proby time' you should post a request for full =EBS= tags in your original introduction if you would still like full membership. Along with this request should be offered a 'shit, bribe' that nobody wants. That's a bribe that is so rubbish it's funny. Bribes consisting of actual faeces are not accepted and you have completely got the wrong idea. You also maybe have issues. Get help.
Admin rights are only available to those members who contribute to the community.
No member shall be considered for admin rights until they have completed six months of problem-free membership.
Join in, play, be friendly. Deal with your personal issues like an adult.
If you're being bullied or are suffering abuse, the admins [people in orange or red] want to know. Pointless drama and bullshit, we don't want to know!
The forum is our hub. Our members are expected to stop by regularly to read and post
All the very best wishes to you. If you have any questions, then please don't hesitate to ask.
We all look forward to getting to know you, and playing alongside you.
All here at =EBS= welcome you, and wish you a long and happy membership, with many many friends.
Instructions for joining our community
Moderators: Admiral of the Fleet, Vice Admiral
- ProvokedPrawn
- Site Admin
- Posts: 444
- Joined: Tue Oct 23, 2018 5:46 pm
- 6
- Location: Essex
- Contact:
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